Improving Communication & Reducing Barriers
The Communicator™ Surgical Face Masks with Clear Window (Level 1)
The Communicator™ Surgical Face Mask with Clear Window is a single-use disposable mask intended to be worn by individuals and healthcare professionals to protect both the patient and healthcare personnel from transfer of microorganisms, body fluids, and particulate materials.
The Communicator™ Surgical Face Masks with Clear Window (Level 3)
The Communicator™ Surgical Face Mask with Clear Window (Level 3) offers maximum protection without compromising comfort and breathability. This single-use disposable mask is intended to be worn in healthcare facilities and other avenues to protect both the patient and healthcare personnel from transfer of microorganisms, body fluids, and particulate materials.
Simple To Use

Why choose the communicator mask?
The Communicator™ surgical face mask with clear window; enhances visual communication effectively with deaf, hard of hearing, and other visual communicators giving individuals the ability to read lips and see facial expressions. Whether used in medical facilities or a classroom, Safe'N'Clear makes communication accessible to all.

Quality you can trust
Safe’N’Clear Inc, is woman-owned and a certified DOBE (Disability Owned Business Enterprise). With a mission to change the face of healthcare by providing clearer communication in settings where masks are required.
Safe’N’Clear, Inc. markets The Communicator™ surgical face mask with anti-fogging clear window; the first ADA-effective and FDA-approved medical face mask made in the USA.
The communicator mask is Health Canada approved. MDEL 17617.

Share your smile!
Feel more confident about your ability to communicate in challenging listening environments while meeting hygiene and safety requirements.