Partners in Accessibility
CHHA is excited to partner with Hearing Assistive Technology experts nationally to reduce barriers and create more accessible environments across Canada. CHHA is working collaboratively with our national partners by raising awareness, providing education & training, and bringing technology & service solutions to remove barriers to hearing and communication.
Hearing Assistive Technologies
Product and Service Solutions

1 to 1 Hearing Loops
One to One hearing loops are used in a variety of environments such as bank counters, and supermarket checkouts. They assist in situations where conversation takes place between two people and can be either fixed or portable.

Large Loop Systems
Large area hearing loops (also known as induction loops) are installed in settings where a large number of people can benefit from a superior listening experience, such as theatres, classrooms, and conference centres.

Infrared Systems
Infrared (IR) systems operate much like traditional TV remote controls. Transmitters flood infrared light so the required area is covered, allowing users to pick up the audio signal using a range of compatible IR receivers.

Radio Frequency Systems
Our radio frequency systems, also known as FM systems, use wireless radio waves to transmit sound directly to listening options such as headphones or inductive neckloops. The range includes portable as well as large-scale transmitters.

Window Intercom Systems
This Open Duplex Technology allows for effective speech transfer through obstacles like partitions and safety glass. Without this system, conversations through screens at banks, retailers, hospitals, and other service counters are often ineffective.

Explore a solution today!
Help break down barriers for accessible communication.